Content types are an extremely powerful way to associate metadata and actions with your SharePoint 2010 documents and list items. The role of the content type is to separate the metadata, workflows, document template, and other settings from individual lists and libraries.
However, content types by themselves aren’t useful without lists and libraries. So you have to associate them with the lists and libraries where you want to use them to describe content.
To associate a content type with a list or library:
  1. Browse to the List Settings or Library Settings page for the list or library where you want to use the content type by selecting the List tab or Library tab and the List Settings or Library Settings button.
  2. Click the Advanced Settings link.
  3. In the Allow Management of Content Types section, select the Yes radio button and then click OK.
    The Content Types section appears in the Settings page. All lists and libraries have at least one default content type associated with them, so this content type appears.
  4. To add another content type to the list or library, click the Add from Existing Site Content Types link.
  5. On the Select Content Types page, in the Available Site Content Types section, select the content types you want to add to the list or library and click the Add button to move them to the Content Types to Add list.
  6. Click OK.
    The new content type appears in the Settings page.

When you add a content type to a list or library, it appears in the New Document drop-down list. When a user selects this content type, the columns associated with the content type determine metadata the user can enter to describe the content.
Remove any content types from your list that you aren’t using. To do so:
  1. In the List Settings or Library Settings page, click the content type you want to remove.
    See the preceding steps for how to access the Settings page.
  2. Click the Delete This Content Type link and then click OK at the confirmation prompt.
    The content type is removed from the list or library. Note: You're removing only this content type from the list or library; it still exists as a site content type.